Most popular Foursquare Outdoor Sculptures in Tokyo, Japan

Venue Total check-ins Total users Tips Check-ins per user
1. Outdoor Sculpture Statue of Kusunoki Masashige (楠正成像) Outdoor Sculpture 皇居外苑 (皇居外苑) 1515 885 8 1.71
2. Outdoor Sculpture Qilin Statue (麒麟像) Outdoor Sculpture 日本橋室町1-1-1 4455 1553 8 2.87
3. Outdoor Sculpture あしたのジョー立つんだ像 Outdoor Sculpture 日本堤1-32 1446 215 5 6.73
4. Outdoor Sculpture バルタン星人型街灯 Outdoor Sculpture 砧6 4638 247 4 18.78
5. Outdoor Sculpture 上野英三郎博士とハチ公の像 Outdoor Sculpture 本郷7-3-1 (東京大学弥生キャンパス) 474 121 4 3.92
6. Outdoor Sculpture 渋沢栄一像 Outdoor Sculpture 大手町2-7-2 (常盤橋公園 内) 776 188 3 4.13
7. Outdoor Sculpture 働く歓び Outdoor Sculpture 川口1-1-1 3980 302 3 13.18
8. Outdoor Sculpture 夏の想い出 Outdoor Sculpture 麹町4 (麹町四丁目交差点) 448 97 3 4.62
9. Outdoor Sculpture ようこそこち亀の街へ! 両津・中川・麗子がお出迎え!像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-26 (JR亀有駅南口 ロータリー) 1476 377 3 3.92
10. Outdoor Sculpture 平和の女神像 Outdoor Sculpture 高田馬場1-26 231 58 2 3.98
11. Outdoor Sculpture ダブルピース両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有5-36-1 (亀有公園) 718 133 2 5.4
12. Outdoor Sculpture 両津勘吉祭り姿像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-25 (亀有リリオパーク入口前) 856 269 2 3.18
13. Outdoor Sculpture 翼の像 Outdoor Sculpture 上野駅・中央改札 2171 556 2 3.9
14. Outdoor Sculpture 麗子像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有5-34 955 130 2 7.35
15. Outdoor Sculpture 新田義貞公之像 Outdoor Sculpture 片町3-26-15 (分倍河原) 1364 190 2 7.18
16. Outdoor Sculpture 木村・徳田両中尉像 Outdoor Sculpture 4 2 2 2.0
17. Outdoor Sculpture えんちゃん像 Outdoor Sculpture 西池袋1-1-25 526 16 2 32.88
18. Outdoor Sculpture 高尾駅の天狗の像(3-4番線ホーム) Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 2 1.0
19. Outdoor Sculpture かっぱ河太郎像 Outdoor Sculpture 松が谷2-25-9 645 348 1 1.85
20. Outdoor Sculpture サンバ両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-18 170 87 1 1.95
21. Outdoor Sculpture 本田像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-13 148 75 1 1.97
22. Outdoor Sculpture 両津勘吉像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-25 (亀有駅北口) 3096 831 1 3.73
23. Outdoor Sculpture 少年両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-15 (亀有銀座商店街(ゆうろーど)中ほど) 307 125 1 2.46
24. Outdoor Sculpture 成瀬駅近くのベンチに座る銅像 Outdoor Sculpture 南成瀬1-1 (JR成瀬駅付近) 1539 118 1 13.04
25. Outdoor Sculpture 春日局之像 Outdoor Sculpture 春日1-15 (礫川公園) 1279 183 1 6.99
26. Outdoor Sculpture ひとやすみ両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有5-36-1 (亀有公園) 706 128 1 5.52
27. Outdoor Sculpture 弁慶像 Outdoor Sculpture 日本橋人形町2-36 816 130 1 6.28
28. Outdoor Sculpture Partners (パートナーズ ウォルト・ディズニー&ミッキーマウス) Outdoor Sculpture 舞浜1-1 98 55 1 1.78
29. Outdoor Sculpture 輪郭の断片 Outdoor Sculpture 調布ヶ丘1-5-1 (東地区大学会館北) 6155 541 1 11.38
30. Outdoor Sculpture 源義家公像 Outdoor Sculpture 宮町3-1 93 39 1 2.38
31. Outdoor Sculpture 自由の群像 Outdoor Sculpture 麹町1-2 (千鳥ヶ淵公園) 211 105 1 2.01
32. Outdoor Sculpture 『テミス像』 堤 直美 Outdoor Sculpture 西新橋1丁目20−3 (虎ノ門法曹ビル) 426 11 1 38.73
33. Outdoor Sculpture far beyond the Outdoor Sculpture 調布ケ丘1-5-1 580 67 1 8.66
34. Outdoor Sculpture 青い郵便ポスト Outdoor Sculpture 20 1 1 20.0
35. Outdoor Sculpture くるりん像 Outdoor Sculpture 曙町2-1 (立川駅北口ベデストリアンデッキ) 361 62 1 5.82
36. Outdoor Sculpture 「籾・MOMI-2007」作: 田辺光彰 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 1 1.0
37. Outdoor Sculpture 清廉の武将 畠山重忠像 Outdoor Sculpture 御岳山176 (武蔵御嶽神社宝物殿前) 15 14 1 1.07
38. Outdoor Sculpture モース博士像 Outdoor Sculpture 大井6-21 (大森貝塚遺跡庭園内) 7 6 1 1.17
39. Outdoor Sculpture 葛西神社鍾馗石像 Outdoor Sculpture 東金町6-10-5 (葛西神社境内) 2 2 1 1.0
40. Outdoor Sculpture 山田顕義先生之像 Outdoor Sculpture 三崎町2-3 (日本大学法学部本館前) 29 7 1 4.14
41. Outdoor Sculpture 光の舞い “Light dances” Outdoor Sculpture 原町田6-1-11 238 32 1 7.44
42. Outdoor Sculpture 大空翼像(ヒールリフト) Outdoor Sculpture 葛飾区立石1-21-6 9 8 1 1.12
43. Outdoor Sculpture Godzilla Head (ゴジラヘッド) Outdoor Sculpture 歌舞伎町1-19-1 (新宿東宝ビル) 1126 468 1 2.41
44. Outdoor Sculpture 油かけ大黒天 Outdoor Sculpture 日本橋小伝馬町3-2 (身延別院) 3 3 1 1.0
45. Outdoor Sculpture 善國寺の石虎 Outdoor Sculpture 神楽坂5-36 (善國寺境内) 2 2 1 1.0
46. Outdoor Sculpture 幸運を招く猪(ポルチェリーノ) Outdoor Sculpture 日本橋久松町4-4 (ピジョンビル) 31 14 1 2.21
47. Outdoor Sculpture 北島三郎像(高尾山駅) Outdoor Sculpture 2 1 1 2.0
48. Outdoor Sculpture 花吹雪 Outdoor Sculpture 3 3 1 1.0
49. Outdoor Sculpture BREEZE (めじろ台駅前 微風) Outdoor Sculpture めじろ台1 149 4 1 37.25
50. Outdoor Sculpture 大空翼像 Outdoor Sculpture 5 5 1 1.0
51. Outdoor Sculpture Suicaのペンギン Outdoor Sculpture 千駄ヶ谷5-24-55 (Suicaのペンギン広場) 276 130 1 2.12
52. Outdoor Sculpture ようこそ亀有へ両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-26 (亀有駅南口) 313 78 1 4.01
53. Outdoor Sculpture 敬礼両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有5-14 641 109 0 5.88
54. Outdoor Sculpture 少年よ、あの星を目指せ! 両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-42-24 (亀有香取神社内) 150 85 0 1.76
55. Outdoor Sculpture ワハハ両さん像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有2-66 283 82 0 3.45
56. Outdoor Sculpture 中川像 Outdoor Sculpture 亀有3-29-1 414 146 0 2.84
57. Outdoor Sculpture 玄武 Outdoor Sculpture 亀戸2-21-9 (亀戸駅前公園) 344 51 0 6.75
58. Outdoor Sculpture 緑のラブレター Outdoor Sculpture 名倉 35 31 0 1.13
59. Outdoor Sculpture Outdoor Sculpture 調布ヶ丘1-5-1 810 55 0 14.73
60. Outdoor Sculpture 橋を渡す Outdoor Sculpture 調布ケ丘1-5-1 (電気通信大学構内) 416 41 0 10.15
61. Outdoor Sculpture BLACK uniform Outdoor Sculpture 西日暮里1-6 (せせらぎの小路) 64 6 0 10.67
62. Outdoor Sculpture 石井厚生《時》1985 Outdoor Sculpture 門前仲町1-7 (3番出口正面) 29 10 0 2.9
63. Outdoor Sculpture そよ風 Outdoor Sculpture 麹町2 (麹町1丁目交差点) 39 9 0 4.33
64. Outdoor Sculpture 人間萬歳 Outdoor Sculpture 35 5 0 7.0
65. Outdoor Sculpture 可美真手命銅像 Outdoor Sculpture 浜離宮庭園1-1 (浜離宮恩賜庭園) 67 18 0 3.72
66. Outdoor Sculpture 開かれた宇宙 Outdoor Sculpture 17 11 0 1.55
67. Outdoor Sculpture Growing Gardener Outdoor Sculpture 大崎1-2-2 4 3 0 1.33
68. Outdoor Sculpture 破魔矢 Outdoor Sculpture 矢口1-18-1 (武蔵新田駅 2番線) 40 3 0 13.33
69. Outdoor Sculpture トントコトン この子たちの合言葉 石彫刻 Outdoor Sculpture 12 4 0 3.0
70. Outdoor Sculpture 高尾山の天狗さま Outdoor Sculpture 6 6 0 1.0
71. Outdoor Sculpture 天狗の鼻毛 Outdoor Sculpture 484 29 0 16.69
72. Outdoor Sculpture ティラノサウルス Outdoor Sculpture 8 7 0 1.14
73. Outdoor Sculpture 松陰先生像 Outdoor Sculpture 若林4-35-1 (松陰神社内) 14 14 0 1.0
74. Outdoor Sculpture 平和の塔 Outdoor Sculpture 5 5 0 1.0
75. Outdoor Sculpture みころん1351本折りイベ会場 Outdoor Sculpture 川口3-1 1 1 0 1.0
76. Outdoor Sculpture そりのあるかたち Outdoor Sculpture 調布ヶ丘1-5-1 (電気通信大学 東3号館 附属図書館内 2階) 144 17 0 8.47
77. Outdoor Sculpture カツオちゃんとワカメちゃんが遊ぶ桜新町 Outdoor Sculpture 桜新町2 25 20 0 1.25
78. Outdoor Sculpture 青少年に愛の手を Outdoor Sculpture 大島4-5-1 (江東区総合区民センター) 6 2 0 3.0
79. Outdoor Sculpture けんぞーのけんぞーは左曲がり Outdoor Sculpture 6 6 0 1.0
80. Outdoor Sculpture キャプテン翼 若林源三 Outdoor Sculpture 33 23 0 1.43
81. Outdoor Sculpture kick off Outdoor Sculpture 西が丘 19 2 0 9.5
82. Outdoor Sculpture みんなが笑ってる お日様も笑ってるサザエさんと桜新町 Outdoor Sculpture 桜新町1-12 217 38 0 5.71
83. Outdoor Sculpture This way... Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
84. Outdoor Sculpture 日本武尊銅像 Outdoor Sculpture 三峰298-1 (三峯神社) 59 58 0 1.02
85. Outdoor Sculpture ラブライバーの墓場 Outdoor Sculpture 広町1-3-5 9 9 0 1.0
86. Outdoor Sculpture ジョナ駅 Outdoor Sculpture 品川駅 10 9 0 1.11
87. Outdoor Sculpture 佐野善作先生像 Outdoor Sculpture 中2-1 (一橋大学西キャンパス 本館前庭園内) 7 3 0 2.33
88. Outdoor Sculpture Safety Ksppa Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
89. Outdoor Sculpture Safety Kappa Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
90. Outdoor Sculpture 八幡太郎源義家像 Outdoor Sculpture 4 3 0 1.33
91. Outdoor Sculpture かんがえる Outdoor Sculpture 10 4 0 2.5
92. Outdoor Sculpture 大地より生ずる Outdoor Sculpture 4 4 0 1.0
93. Outdoor Sculpture 秋川駅北口ロータリーの蛇口 Outdoor Sculpture 9 3 0 3.0
94. Outdoor Sculpture テミス像 Outdoor Sculpture 東中野742-1 (中央大学多摩キャンパス) 172 28 0 6.14
95. Outdoor Sculpture 小林榮次氏之像 Outdoor Sculpture 東京都福生市大字福生785 1 1 0 1.0
96. Outdoor Sculpture Outdoor Sculpture 朝日町3-11-1 42 10 0 4.2
97. Outdoor Sculpture 黄色いインコ Outdoor Sculpture 赤坂5-3-1 196 6 0 32.67
98. Outdoor Sculpture そば守観音 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
99. Outdoor Sculpture Outdoor Sculpture 9 7 0 1.29
100. Outdoor Sculpture よし坊 Outdoor Sculpture 東京都大田区本羽田3丁目6-11 51 13 0 3.92
101. Outdoor Sculpture 榎本武揚の像 Outdoor Sculpture 堤通2-26-3 16 13 0 1.23
102. Outdoor Sculpture アオイソラニ シロイ ヒコーキグモ Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
103. Outdoor Sculpture 足立氷川神社前の煌めき Outdoor Sculpture 9 3 0 3.0
104. Outdoor Sculpture 将軍の孫 Outdoor Sculpture 5 4 0 1.25
105. Outdoor Sculpture 田中さん Outdoor Sculpture 大崎3-6-17 (ニュー大崎内) 1 1 0 1.0
106. Outdoor Sculpture ハートフル・ファミリー像 Outdoor Sculpture 経堂1-19 15 2 0 7.5
107. Outdoor Sculpture 和の角笛 Outdoor Sculpture 5 4 0 1.25
108. Outdoor Sculpture 綾和之碑 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
109. Outdoor Sculpture 足立区民憲章 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
110. Outdoor Sculpture シンボル塔 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
111. Outdoor Sculpture キャプテン翼 日向小次郎像 Outdoor Sculpture 四つ木1-16-24 (四つ木公園) 20 19 0 1.05
112. Outdoor Sculpture キャプテン翼 ロベルト本郷と大空翼像 Outdoor Sculpture 四つ木2-3-3 (めだかの小道) 13 13 0 1.0
113. Outdoor Sculpture 古賀政男先生像 Outdoor Sculpture 川崎区大師町4-48 (川崎大師) 6 5 0 1.2
114. Outdoor Sculpture 第五十八代横綱 千代の富士像 Outdoor Sculpture 谷中1-7-15 (望湖山玉林寺境内) 6 6 0 1.0
115. Outdoor Sculpture 保谷駅構内のゴミ箱 Outdoor Sculpture 保谷駅 7 2 0 3.5
116. Outdoor Sculpture 『記憶のシルエット』土屋公雄APT Outdoor Sculpture 勝どき1-8-1 (勝どきビュータワー) 8 5 0 1.6
117. Outdoor Sculpture (▼O▼メ) ナンヤコラーー!! Outdoor Sculpture 町屋 1 1 0 1.0
118. Outdoor Sculpture 練馬区立 美術の森緑地 Outdoor Sculpture 貫井3-11-16 115 52 0 2.21
119. Outdoor Sculpture 7月の樹 Outdoor Sculpture 3 1 0 3.0
120. Outdoor Sculpture 『人』 Outdoor Sculpture 千葉県千葉市美浜区高洲3丁目 (稲毛海岸駅南口駅前広場) 3 3 0 1.0
121. Outdoor Sculpture 清瀬市平和の塔 Outdoor Sculpture 梅園1-613 1 1 0 1.0
122. Outdoor Sculpture カラフト犬のモニュメント Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
123. Outdoor Sculpture 田植えの像 Outdoor Sculpture 北野町546−1 23 4 0 5.75
124. Outdoor Sculpture スキマスカイツリー Outdoor Sculpture 台東区花川戸1 111 2 0 55.5
125. Outdoor Sculpture 『華』 川崎普照 Outdoor Sculpture 東京都北区田端1〜東田端1 (田端ふれあい橋) 3 1 0 3.0
126. Outdoor Sculpture 躍進 Outdoor Sculpture 4 3 0 1.33
127. Outdoor Sculpture コロンプラッサ Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
128. Outdoor Sculpture 久遠の像 Outdoor Sculpture 新宿中央公園内 2 2 0 1.0
129. Outdoor Sculpture 誓いの灯 Outdoor Sculpture 3 3 0 1.0
130. Outdoor Sculpture 岬太郎像 Outdoor Sculpture 葛飾区東立石3-3-1 22 8 0 2.75
131. Outdoor Sculpture 中沢早苗像 Outdoor Sculpture 四つ木2丁目28 9 7 0 1.29
132. Outdoor Sculpture 石崎了像 Outdoor Sculpture 葛飾区東四つ木4-15 9 8 0 1.12
133. Outdoor Sculpture ひとつの形 Outdoor Sculpture 3 3 0 1.0
134. Outdoor Sculpture アル晴レタ日ニ… Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
135. Outdoor Sculpture 斗供 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
136. Outdoor Sculpture 緑の風 Outdoor Sculpture 9 5 0 1.8
137. Outdoor Sculpture 伸びる OUTSPREAD Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
138. Outdoor Sculpture プレゼント Outdoor Sculpture 3 1 0 3.0
139. Outdoor Sculpture ビルの上のライオン像 Outdoor Sculpture 栄町3-2-1 15 8 0 1.88
140. Outdoor Sculpture Progres Outdoor Sculpture 西池袋1 3 1 0 3.0
141. Outdoor Sculpture 南千住のパイ山 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
142. Outdoor Sculpture 鳥の碑 Outdoor Sculpture 4 3 0 1.33
143. Outdoor Sculpture マーキュリー像 Outdoor Sculpture 東池袋1 (東京メトロ34・35出口付近) 2 2 0 1.0
144. Outdoor Sculpture 平和の誓い像 Outdoor Sculpture 大井1-2 5 4 0 1.25
145. Outdoor Sculpture 大地の音 大地の声 Outdoor Sculpture 玉川町 160 4 0 40.0
146. Outdoor Sculpture 天狗の石像 Outdoor Sculpture 37 24 0 1.54
147. Outdoor Sculpture 富岡八幡宮 銅造水盤 Outdoor Sculpture (富岡八幡宮境内) 3 3 0 1.0
148. Outdoor Sculpture Outdoor Sculpture 曙町2-1-1 13 8 0 1.62
149. Outdoor Sculpture 白虎 Outdoor Sculpture 豊洲2 (豊洲シビックセンター前) 5 5 0 1.0
150. Outdoor Sculpture 置くとパス Outdoor Sculpture 高尾町2177 (高尾山 薬王院) 12 11 0 1.09
151. Outdoor Sculpture 大小天狗像 Outdoor Sculpture 高尾町2177 (高尾山 薬王院) 47 46 0 1.02
152. Outdoor Sculpture 黒田家の江戸屋敷鬼瓦 Outdoor Sculpture 上野公園13-9 (東京国立博物館) 2 2 0 1.0
153. Outdoor Sculpture 『葡萄の童子』 籔内佐斗司 Outdoor Sculpture 埼玉県新座市野火止5-2-60 (ラ・ヴィーニュ) 4 3 0 1.33
154. Outdoor Sculpture 麗新 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
155. Outdoor Sculpture 村上隆五百羅漢展 Outdoor Sculpture 六本木6-10-1 17 17 0 1.0
156. Outdoor Sculpture 松尾芭蕉象潟の句碑 Outdoor Sculpture 6 3 0 2.0
157. Outdoor Sculpture Animal2012-01B(三沢厚彦 作) Outdoor Sculpture 丸の内 (丸の内ビルディング西側) 1 1 0 1.0
158. Outdoor Sculpture HANEKAME'92 Outdoor Sculpture 4 4 0 1.0
159. Outdoor Sculpture ダビデ像 Outdoor Sculpture 2 1 0 2.0
160. Outdoor Sculpture 四つの形 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
161. Outdoor Sculpture 笛を吹く少年像 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
162. Outdoor Sculpture COSMOS-Ⅱ Outdoor Sculpture 錦糸3-2 (東京メトロ出入口3付近) 13 3 0 4.33
163. Outdoor Sculpture 山川健次郎像 Outdoor Sculpture 9 1 0 9.0
164. Outdoor Sculpture 渡来楽人3 Outdoor Sculpture (目黒雅叙園) 2 2 0 1.0
165. Outdoor Sculpture うんこビル Outdoor Sculpture 3 3 0 1.0
166. Outdoor Sculpture 青龍 江東区内四神モニュメント Outdoor Sculpture 大島9 7 6 0 1.17
167. Outdoor Sculpture my sky hole 85-2 光と影 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
168. Outdoor Sculpture 風のバリエーション Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
169. Outdoor Sculpture ふれあい Outdoor Sculpture 篠崎町7 (篠崎駅南口) 14 3 0 4.67
170. Outdoor Sculpture 永き日や つばたれ下る 古帽子 Outdoor Sculpture 目白1-4-15 (アーバンライフ目白駅前2号棟) 1 1 0 1.0
171. Outdoor Sculpture 猫だって笑わないとは限らない Outdoor Sculpture 目白1-4-15 (アーバンライフ目白駅前) 51 23 0 2.22
172. Outdoor Sculpture 鬼太郎n鬼太郎パパ Outdoor Sculpture 15 2 0 7.5
173. Outdoor Sculpture 月の鏡 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
174. Outdoor Sculpture 『髪』渡辺弘行 Outdoor Sculpture 西新宿2丁目11番 (新宿中央公園) 2 2 0 1.0
175. Outdoor Sculpture 『燮』佐藤健次郎 Outdoor Sculpture 西新宿2丁目11番 (新宿中央公園) 1 1 0 1.0
176. Outdoor Sculpture 内田秀五郎銅像 Outdoor Sculpture 2 2 0 1.0
177. Outdoor Sculpture Untitled Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
178. Outdoor Sculpture '70年8月 石を割る Outdoor Sculpture 梶野町3-7-2 (小金井キャンパス) 13 7 0 1.86
179. Outdoor Sculpture 交流年 Outdoor Sculpture 102 3 0 34.0
180. Outdoor Sculpture 風船と女の子 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
181. Outdoor Sculpture そよかぜ Outdoor Sculpture (JR平井駅北口広場) 2 2 0 1.0
182. Outdoor Sculpture 広い空を飛びたいな Outdoor Sculpture 太平4-1-5 (OLINOS 北東角) 4 2 0 2.0
183. Outdoor Sculpture ららぽーと カブトムシとオオクワガタムシ Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
184. Outdoor Sculpture 『時代を見つめる』小林照尚 Outdoor Sculpture 千住4-22-1 (足立区立千住ほんちょう公園) 1 1 0 1.0
185. Outdoor Sculpture 友の顔(達々)Ⅰ Outdoor Sculpture 2 1 0 2.0
186. Outdoor Sculpture ゆりかもめ橋 親柱の彫刻 Outdoor Sculpture 勝島3丁目2番2号 (しながわ区民公園 勝島の海) 2 2 0 1.0
187. Outdoor Sculpture 朝露童子(Child of The Morning Dew) By藪内佐斗司 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
188. Outdoor Sculpture 微笑みのモニュメント 父と子 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
189. Outdoor Sculpture 海のタマゴ Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
190. Outdoor Sculpture 大谷米太郎像 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
191. Outdoor Sculpture 麗新 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
192. Outdoor Sculpture 愛と平和 Outdoor Sculpture 練馬1-17-6 (平成つつじ公園) 4 3 0 1.33
193. Outdoor Sculpture 新秋 Outdoor Sculpture 練馬1-17-6 (平成つつじ公園) 3 2 0 1.5
194. Outdoor Sculpture わかば Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
195. Outdoor Sculpture 伝鳩(伝法院通の門鳩) Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
196. Outdoor Sculpture かせいチャン Outdoor Sculpture 11 8 0 1.38
197. Outdoor Sculpture BVLGARIの守護大蛇 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
198. Outdoor Sculpture Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
199. Outdoor Sculpture my sky hole 88-4 Outdoor Sculpture 10 6 0 1.67
200. Outdoor Sculpture ワルツの塔 Outdoor Sculpture 青戸3-36-1 (京成電鉄 青砥駅) 336 23 0 14.61
201. Outdoor Sculpture 『トノサマバッタ』中嶋大道 Outdoor Sculpture 東京都日野市程久保7-1-1 (多摩動物公園 昆虫園) 2 2 0 1.0
202. Outdoor Sculpture うその肉 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
203. Outdoor Sculpture かこい Outdoor Sculpture 中野4-8-1 (中野区役所) 3 3 0 1.0
204. Outdoor Sculpture 『八幡太郎源義家公』喜多敏勝 Outdoor Sculpture 東京都府中市宮町1-13 (馬場大門のケヤキ並木) 2 2 0 1.0
205. Outdoor Sculpture KONOHA bench Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
206. Outdoor Sculpture 明日の空へ Outdoor Sculpture 日本 4 4 0 1.0
207. Outdoor Sculpture 池袋駅東口 母子像 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
208. Outdoor Sculpture そば守観音 Outdoor Sculpture 深大寺元町5-12 1 1 0 1.0
209. Outdoor Sculpture To The Sky '90 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
210. Outdoor Sculpture メタルミョウガ Outdoor Sculpture 8 1 0 8.0
211. Outdoor Sculpture 月舞台 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0
212. Outdoor Sculpture 石仏 Outdoor Sculpture 1 1 0 1.0